Hello everyone. I am Samia Zahin. I am from Bangladesh and currently pursuing my undergrad degree ( Software Engineering) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. This is my first time writing a blog. I hope through this we will be able to know each other better amidst this Covid-19 situation. 

As I mentioned earlier I am from Bangladesh. Me and my family live in the northern part of Bangladesh in a small peaceful town named Rangpur. I like to order food, watch youtube and read story books. 

Lets talk about food. Because in Bangladesh nothing happens without food. If there is a birth there will be food, if there is marriage there will be food, even food is arranged for people coming to mourn death. Just as the culture goes, I also seldom do anything without food. If I'm meeting up with people, going for a walk or going  to give a friend some emotional support, we are going to get food. 
So, my menu mostly includes Chinese food (which for some reason contains Thai soup, which I am pretty sure is not a Chinese food), burger, chicken fry, biriyani, Kabab. But my favourite are Biriyani and Chinese food ( I am again and again writing Chinese instead of Chinese food since that's what we call it in my country. Forgive me). I don't really experiment with new things and most of the time eat Thai soup with Wonton. And when in Dhaka I normally always am eating biriyani or khichuri.

Soup and Wonton

Enough talk about food. Another thing I enjoy to do is reading story books. When I did not have a computer I used to buy or borrow. But now I mostly read in PDF format which is very affordable. I have read Md. Jafar Iqbal, Humayun Ahmed, James Rollins, Dan Brown. I have read almost all the books of these writers and they were a great part in my upbringing. I also read Harry Potter, The 39 clues, Cahills vs Vespers, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Lord of the Rings. I am a very indoor kind of person. But through these books I felt like I was travelling around and having the adventures of my life. To any of you who would like to read I will suggest read the Harry Potter series and Amazonia. I know I know you watched the Harry Potter movie and they were amazing but trust me the books are even better.

Hmm, I have talked about food and I have talked about books. So what's left. Oh yes, let us talk about some tourist attraction or interesting places of Bangladesh. I have visited some of the places and my favorite one is Rangamati. On our visit to Rangamati we had travelled through boat for a whole day. Actually it is so beautiful that though I visited it twice I think I will again travel to Rangamati to enjoy the beauty.

Currently I am planning to travel to Malaysia. I have heard that it is a beautiful country. I really hope I will be able to travel safely and enjoy my time as a student in there and also tour around the country. I hope Covid-19 situation improves worldwide so that we can safely enjoy our life.


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